In the management of a Fitness Club, there are three stages when it is most advisable to introduce SPORTS AND FITNESS STRATEGIES:

The starting-up phase of the Centre;

The phase of maturity;

The closing phase or the desertion of the company.


In the starting-up phase, the support which is provided is a projectual type. The Club can program its success following two paths: the first, strategically projecting its own supply system of the fitness-service; the second: carefully administrating the sequence-process through which the product is proposed to the Client. Being able to correctly translate the client's expectations constitutes one of the fundamental passages in organizing a Quality Service, even if the most important moment is represented by the initial market analysis, which immediately makes the threats and the opportunities for the development emerge, for the club which intends to propose itself in a certain area.


In the phase of maturity, the Club confronts the progressive "energy draining" of the operators and at times, of the actual entrepreneur. Scarce organizational and operative enthusiasm unload onto the Client a non-quality which is negatively perceived and which direct him to the competition. It is for these reasons, that membership turn-over is not a physiological process, but a situation in need of a solution that proposes as the main problem, the Club itself. In these circumstances, SPORTS AND FITNESS STRATEGIES can sustain the Club by providing needed "fresh energy" and more dynamic organizational supports, since, in its approach it is free of the internal questions of the company. Its intervention allows the club to overcome a stalemate, creating new situations of balance between the different functional areas of the Club.


In the closing phase, or in the desertion of Club's activity, the most immediate problem that must be faced is above all, of an emotional nature. It is a matter of making a difficult decision, for any entrepreneur. On other hand though, a Fitness Club is like any other business and the possibility of closing down must be taken into consideration. The decision may come as a result of competition that is too strong, unmatchable, of a market that is too weak or of a product, in this case the Club, which is at this point, in decline. The assistance of SPORTS AND FITNESS STRATEGIES in this circumstance, has a precise purpose and a clear responsibility: it has to take into account if it is the case to destine the building to another use, or create a program of reentry. The entrepreneur often regains the confidence, thanks to an objective and detached analysis which allows him to take advantage of unexpected opportunities. "Reentry" in fact, is almost always the solution to the problem.